We have been fooled into depenency on fossil fuels. Take the fuel motor out of a hybrid and replace it with an electric motor the vehicle becomes regenerative. Add a generator to an electric car or conversion kit. Add regenerative braking(already on some hybrids)and solar panels for optimum efficiency. Take the fuel motor off a home generation system and add an electric motor then you have regeneration without the use of fuels. Run power plants with electric drive sysytems. Yes it is that easy. Tesla knew this that is why some of his work is classified. This information is free to all.
Asked by:Aida

What you are trying to get at is called a “perpetual engery machine” meaning the machine itself makes all of its own energy to run itself. This by scientific law is impossible. There were “perpetual clocks” made back in the 30′s that did run for LONG periods of time without being rewound. But an engine would NEVER be able to do this. It takes far too much power to run a vehicle, to do something simple as connect a generator to the electric engine, and run the generator off the brakes. If it was that simple, someone would have invented it by now. (someone in their garage i mean) not just the automotive industry. Ever heard the scientific quote “energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, it can only be “changed” ??? You are trying to “create energy” from nothing my friend. And that is scientific LAW not theory
still needs batteries, or else you run out of power pretty quick. batteries=mining=scarring of land, loss of habitat, burning fossil fuels, acid leaching, destroyed watersheds, etc. no system works without strings attached. not going to say that it is not a better system than we have now. just saying it’s not a “silver bullet” solution.
Ideas such as these require infrastructure. if we don’t green up the infrastructure, then we still cannot make sufficient progress -in my opinion
Don’t get fooled by the free lunch!
Newton was specific in saying every action has an equal an opposite reaction.This applies to EVERYTHING! He was proven correct.
To drive your generator you need to power it with energy being spent by the batteries of the vehicle and robbing the system to do a redundant task.There will also be a cost of current due to heat in the generator and resistance in the lines.
I code this myth BUSTED.
Nothing has yet to break the law of the Conservation of Energy. If you add a generator to car to **** power out of its motion and make electricity, it will slow down. That is what regenerative breaking is. The best you can do is shuffle the energy around, and at the end of the day, most of the energy in running a car goes to heat and moving the air over the vehicle. Tesla’s work was classified because he found ways of killing people on a mass scale, and destroying the ecosystem too, but that is a whole other matter.
Electric motors are also generators. A car that runs on electricity can generate power when it is driving down hill and use power when it is going up hill. But friction is there whether you are going up or down, and you need a net input of energy to overcome this friction. So you’ll need to take the energy from somewhere.
Electricity is created in power stations mainly by burning fossil fuels. Most of the major rivers in the world are already dammed to make hydroelectricity, so we can’t get any more energy there than we are already using. So we need to get the energy from somewhere. Solar power is extremely expensive – the average solar panel doesn’t pay back the cost of making it in its own lifetime. Wind power is good, and we are seeing more and more wind farms. But in the short term, burning fossil fuels is the only way to meet our enormous demand for electricity.
Totally impossible as it violates the very fundamental laws of physics. Basically, you cannot get something for nothing. You can’t get power out without power in, which is what you are trying for.
People have been trying for hundreds of years to make a perpetual motion machine, and not one has ever been shown to work.
Don’t you think if it were as simple as you describe, someone would have built one and demonstrated it, and we would never ever need a drop of oil again!
Just connect a generator to a motor and you are done, free power! So easy anyone could build one. (Ha)
I don’t think he’s suggesting that electric motors are capable of 100% energy recapture, or are capable of perpetual motion, because he mentioned supplementing them with solar panels.
The problem is that electric motors and the batteries that go with them are not the end-all be-all solution to power transformation. We are still in the dark ages of power storage with current battery technology, and electrical systems require rarer metals than those of a combustion engine. You can make a rudimentary combustion engine which converts stored chemical energy into heat and motion from a block of iron and some dead dinosaurs. It’s terribly inefficient, but it’s also terribly abundant and relatively easy to do.
yes, a well designed hybrid with regenerative braking, and supplementary solar panels is currently the most efficient vehicle design category available.
However, to turn a generator with an electric motor, you have to have a source of electricity, and guess what, when you run an electric motor, some energy is lost as heat, and some energy is lost to friction. when you turn a generator, some rotational energy is lost to friction, and some generated energy is lost overcoming the inherent resistance in the windings.
believe me. if it was practical to turn generators with electric motors, do you think the power companies would be wasting their money on coal, oil, natural gas, and hydroelectric dams?
bottom line, there is no such thing as free energy. there are occasions when the cost of energy is hidden, such as putting solar panels on a house that you are trying to shade from the sun, anyway, or putting up a windmill in an area that has no shortage of wind. however, you are still binding natural (or synthetic) resources in order to manfacture those systems.
you want to reduce your energy usage, don’t waste energy. THAT information is free to all.
If you take the gasoline engine out of a hybrid and replace it with an electric motor what is going to power the electric motor? Regenerative braking? I don’t think so.
The question you should ask yourself is: What’s going to power these electric motors you talk about?
Remember all machines (motors are machines) have losses. They are not now nor will they ever be 100% efficient.
Think of machines as a black box.
(Energy out) = (Energy in) – (losses)
The energy in may be in the form of steam and the energy out may be in the form of electricity but there will always be losses in the conversion process.
When I was 6 years old I thought of that: Hook a generator to a motor and give it a SPIN!
Generator generates electricity—– generator powers the motor —– motor turns generator!!!! Profit!!!!
But the pesky laws of Thermodynamics get in the way. A few percent of the energy gets lost on each loop through due to friction, magnetic losses, electrical losses…… Within a few seconds things come to a stop.
Even if the motor and generator were 100% efficient, at best you’d have perpetual motion. With nothing left over to use to move a vehicle or whatever.