Check this out:
Is anyone interested in a kit that will convert any vehicle to technologies shown in links above?
I have improved above air-compressor designs with a radical new concept. It is being patented, so no one can copy this:
I use Siemens’ in wheel electric motors as primary drive
I use the Italian design seen in second clip ( rotary air motor) in an on-board electric generator. ( Similar to Honda 2KW briefcase model)
I use a Hemp-fiber (carbon-graphite) uni-body chassis on a aluminum tube frame.
My vehicle features “Flip-up” banks of micro-motorwind generators over windshield (which are like exterior visors). The pitch-drag coefficient is computer controlled, so maximum electricity generation can be achieved.
My vehicle also features a 88% solar surface.
In conclusion, my vehicle conversion kit will allow you to drive anywhere anytime, with NO gasoline costs ever! No toxic emissions ever! No sacrifice in current comforts!
Here is how it works:
I want to have a TV show instead of “Pimp My Ride”, “Green My Ride” . On this show, We strip vehicles of their gasoline engines, fuel tanks, transmissions, interiors, and all “non-green” components.
We then make modifications to include:
Electric in-wheel motors, batteries,solar surfaces,air-compressor tanks and generator/compressor, motor-wind generators, Spring-loaded motors,docking cords,regulators,on-board computers, etc…
Would Americans buy a vehicle or a conversion kit if price was below 15K?
My vehicle feature a docking cord for recharging.
I have designed my vehicle to self-charging.
You are essentially driving a vehicle that runs on electric motors.
The batteries that power these motors are carried on board. The maximum time car would run at average speed of 60mph(without re-charge) would be 4 hours.
Using a 2 KW air-driven (rotary engine design)electric generator replaces 75% of depleted power “on the fly”.
If it is a sunny day, 21% of expended charge is attained “on the fly”.
If speeds of 35mph are reached during drive, another 27% is attained with motor-wind generators. In total , under optimum conditions, a surplus of electricity is generated. This is to insure power when sun is not available as a recharge source.
Vehicle comes fully-charged, if driven in the dark at 60 mph, the system would be totally full at the end of a 5 hour drive. This is because wind generators and compressed air generator would keep batteries topped off.
When compressed-air tank volume drops below 3000 psi, automatic compressor kicks in.
Vehicle is designed to keep all sources perpetually “topped-off”.
There is a back-up spring motor unit which attaches to AC generator that allows a 4 hour operation for about 10 ,minutes worth of hand-cranking.
Spring-motor unit is 4 feet tall and is cranked with a sailing winch. When slipped over exposed drive-shaft on AC generator, this device can power a four-hour battery charge.
Once operated, vehicle will never run out of a charge.
Asked by:Dave Adam A

no…first the cost is too high,,,there is no warranty on a kit,,,the kit needs to be installed,,,[hard to find a good mechanic]…money is the bottom line…most americans will not go green if cost is too much