Thought. A common 96v electric vehicle conversion for an old VW Bug will many time run 16 6v batteries wired in series. This is from what I’ve read thought to be the most cost effective way to get the needed 96 volts and get around 60 miles per charge. At least that’s about the best I’ve seen described for a system of that voltage.
Now if you double the amount of batteries to 32, but run them in 2-packs wired in parallel, then wire the 2-packs to each other in series should I then expect the same 96 volt output but have twice the storage capacity? I know because of the added weight I couldn’t expect twice the miles but I would think I would get something out of it with the extra storage. I’m looking to be able to get 75-80 miles per charge at least. Also will wiring the batteries like this cause any problems I haven’t thought of??
Thanks again.
Asked by:Bigg J

Your wiring logic is correct. I don’t foresee any problems if you have the space.
The wiring would be correct but it would not be the most efficient solution because the batteries are never perfectly matched and in a parallel circuit some of the power from the stronger battery will drain into the weaker one. The best solution is to get bigger batteries.
You are correct with the logic and double the batteries in parallel will double the watts available. I personally think you would better place your few dollars here at the site below and get a more efficient way of powering a vehicle without the need to recharge ever. Check it out and see what you think.
Make sure the batteries are very equal.Use a resister across the ind. battery and measure the voltage drop. Us a good voltage regulator when charging.