We wanna build a EV (Electric Vehicle) and we need to have a sponsor company(Full).
Do you know any website or company to become our sponsor to build a car?
Asked by:David V

Electric Vehicle Information Resource
We wanna build a EV (Electric Vehicle) and we need to have a sponsor company(Full).
Do you know any website or company to become our sponsor to build a car?
Asked by:David V
You prob won’t get a 100% subsidy, but you could get some funding if the idea is solid, you have a prototype, and some stats to show that the vehicle is viable.
However if you become a bank too, you’ll prob have better odds of getting money.
US Gov/ Dept of Energy.
France Invests $549 Million in Electric and Hybrid Cars
Ford received a $10 million grant to study plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV).