According to one electric vehicle builder, the electric vehicle “cottage industry” is allegedly being “killed” by some bad battery chargers and other other components:
To me, this explains perhaps why people can’t even easily build their own homebuilt EV’s.
My question is whether those new electric cars being sold by the hundreds in cities with “Congestion Tax” and “Pollution Toll” are using the Zivan battery chargers that are alleged to be killing batteries prematurely. Is there any way to find out if the Reva G-Wiz, the Maranello-4, Aixam Mega Van, Twike, and other brands of EV’s in UK, IItaly, India, Mexico, and Philippines are, or are not, using the Zivans charger? Is the EV “world” threatened by the Zivan charger, then? Are the electric vehicle manufacturers aware of the allegedly weak controllers, chargers that kill batteries and other suppossedly-bad components?
Asked by:Hello EV world

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A search to see who actually owns the companies making the components that are failing is a good start. If they are owned, or the controlling interest in the company is an oil company, then you have your answer. It may be a case of intentional sabotage to give EVs a bad nam/image, or may just be as simple as an underestimate on the product engineering… in not using parts that are durable enough for the job and for long term.
Just like in the movie, “Who Killed The Electric Car”, if I recall correctly, GM bought controlling interest in the battery company that made batteries strong enough to extend the range of the cars to over 100 miles. Then, they sold their interest/shares in the company to an oil company(s)…..sorry I can’t remember which one(s).
With oil reserves running low, I don’t understand why oil companies are not evolving more than they are currently. They aren’t acting, but hindering others from acting upon it as well. I guess when fuel prices reach an outrageous and insane price, THEN the masses will turn against the oil companies. Hopefully it won’t be to late.
Have you checked out the progress being made with compressed air cars? I know two companies are working on refining and tweaking the engines and even manufacturing. One is based in Australia, and the other in France. I think the company in France is MDI. They both have some footage on YouTube.
Check out a couple of movies.
A Crude Awakening
Why We Fight
James B., thanks for the link, very interesting information!!!!